Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There and Back -- Home again!

This trip to Portugal was conceived long ago -- even though I’d like to think this journey began six weeks ago, in reality it began months ago.  Being away from home for six weeks is the easier thing compared to the preparation that had to be made to actually be away.  Being away from my children (all adults) was what I couldn’t imagine, but with the help of my new friend “skype”, the time away was made easier.   Being able to “see” my kids made all the difference in the world to me.    (What a different world it is today than it was 30+ years ago when R was in the Navy and we only had letters -- handwritten, snail mail letters.  J )

As I look back, the days have flown by, but as I remember back to individual days, SO much was learned, accomplished and seen.  Not once did a day or hour pass by without purpose or jam- packed with something to be done, seen or enjoyed.  That often cannot be said about  being at home.  I sensed in the beginning days that this journey would go quickly.  In this last blog entry I want to share some things learned and remembered. 

First of all, thank you for coming with me.  I hope you enjoyed some of the sights and  a few crazy thoughts along the way.   Now maybe a list would be easiest…  

1.  Time away from my home, which I love, will not fall apart in my absence.  Yes, bills still needed to be paid (where was online bill paying years ago?) and checking in with A as to how BT (our beloved cat) was doing.  But all held together without me! 

2.  Skype is a good thing.  I know there are countless ways to communicate with people (for free online), but skype was new for me and became a good friend.

3.  My children missed me (at least that’s what I would like to think!?!)  Having our two daughters and son-in-law close by in SD is not taken for granted for a minute as I know we will not always have the privilege of living so close to them.   Our son living 600 miles away in SF and seeing him only a couple times a year, is not easy for me.  My heart is grateful for each minute I am able to spend with each of my children.

4.  Portugal is still a LONG way away!  The flights are long and I still do not love to fly.  But I am learning that planes DO stay in the air that long and I can let myself relax and even sleep (with lots of drugs of course!?!)   Amazing how that 777 could stay in the sky SOOOO long!?! 

5.  The coffee in Europe/Portugal is the best!  It is roasted differently and has a much richer and deeper flavor that we drink here.  No wander the people stop late in the afternoon - everyday - for coffee and pastries!!!  I will miss it dearly! 

6.  Portuguese is hard to learn and speak!  This process has been VERY slow for me.  But I could leave this time and say that I was able to order by coffee on my own, go to the grocery store on my own, greet and converse (in five words or less) with people, and understand a few more words spoken.  But I did feel that I understood more in one lesson in Portugal with E than I had previously.  She was amazing.  I have a long way to go with the language!

7.  Portugal contains so many things I love.  The people and friends we have there have become a part of our lives in a new way.  Though the language still keeps me from knowing so much more, I felt I began to see people’s hearts.  I saw O & M and the incredible capacity to love and have patience with people as I may not have realized previously.  I felt B’s heart as she served the church and in her home so lovingly and with such care.  She had endless patience with me as I could only communicate a few words at a time.  The heart that had been broken, is healing and is so big and full of love.  A & P have been given a gift by God to not only serve people, but to lead and be respected.  Their hearts are joyful and eager to serve God.  The hearts of the people that make up the body of the Loures church are growing not only in the Lord, but in warm love for one another.  That is evident not only on Sundays but during the week as they are together to serve the community.  There is joy in the midst of not so easy times for Portugal.  They are a very generous and giving people. 

8.  Portuguese people are a friendly people.  Greetings were very friendly as you pass by in the halls or stores.  I’m sure they got a kick out of those “silly Americans” (me) at times as I would offer the wrong greeting or word.  But a smile would be there none the less. 

9.  Driving in Portugal was easier and harder than I realized.  It was easier as I was able to drive the van to short destinations and to M’s house easily.  The round-abouts are a good thing.  But driving on the highways and finding a specific destination was at best a challenge at times.  Why do they hide the signs and make them so small???  Why aren’t the signs lit at night???  You cannot turn the directions around and simply retrace your steps to get home again!?! 

10.  God speaks and reads Portuguese!  And His message and love is worldwide and people-wide no matter what language is spoken.  His Love and Greatness crosses all languages.  What an Awesome and Amazing God we serve! 

11.  My life has been so blessed as I have been able to spend this time in Portugal.  I am privileged, honored and grateful to have been allowed to be on this journey.  Thank you my dear husband for taking me along with you to share this experience and to work beside you in ministry.  I am so grateful to all those at home that have allowed me to be away for so long (my children - R, D and A, and M, N, my group and the leaders – all my BSF sisters!)  God has opened my eyes and heart to pray more, to love more and to simply appreciate each day more. 

I know this has been long, thank you for bearing with me (if you have made it this far.)  There is more I could add to the list, but please ask me any questions you have.  Thank you to those of you who came along with me on this journey.  Thank you for praying for me.  Thank you for being my friend. 

Blessings to you dear friends and readers…  Until the next journey… 

Our home for 6 weeks (3rd story down on far right)

Breakfast at the Lisbon airport

Saying goodbyes

Last Portuguese Abatanado Pingado Cheia

Muito obrigado e adeus. Bênçãos!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Follow the Star

Today R and I took a trip to Monsaraz with A, P and D.  What is Monsaraz???  It is a place like non other I have ever seen.  This was my third trip and I never tire of its enchantment and beauty.  Today was special because it was the first day their nativity scene was displayed for the Christmas season.  We have learned that here in Portugal each town here puts up a nativity scene in its town center.  There is no argument about offending someone's religious beliefs, they are on display for all to see.  Some scenes are very colorful, some are whimsical, some are abstract, some are large, some are smaller, but all are different. 

Monsaraz is a tiny walled town on a hill on the frontier of Spain (about 20 miles away from Spain's border.)  From what I have read and what I saw today in its tiny museum, this walled town and castle have been around since at least 1167. We walked on top of the wall for awhile, about 3-4 feet wide and of course no guard rails!!!  When you enter the main gate/entrance, the narrow streets lead up through the town past the church, to the castle and the bull ring, yes, a bull ring.   Two years ago when we were there, we found a tiny restaurant in which to have lunch.  It sat only about 10, maybe 12 people and as we sat there, I noticed the floor slanted down towards the windows.  We did not sit at a table near the windows, but I did move closer to them for a picture.  I remember I felt uneasy as I came too close to the windows as it seemed I would simply slide right out.  It was also a memorable lunch as a friend had pig jaw for lunch!?!  Well... last year the restaurant fell/slid down the hill.  The slant in the floor was telling us all along...  Needless to say, the restaurant no longer is open. 


Back to today...  We went specifically to see the nativity.  Oh I am SO glad we did!  I have never seen one like it.  Life size papier mache guards at the gate, camels mounted by the three wise men, shepherds, sheep and donkeys, all proceeding up through the main street, past the woman at the well, a begger on the church steps and a mother bringing her children up towards Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus where He lay in a manager with a large star overhead, atop the castle tower.  I was mesmeirmized by the life size figures that all looked up towards the star and were walking towards it.  I couldn't help but walk there also... 

Come walk up up the street with me...  and follow the star...

Gauard at the entrance of Monsaraz










Yet, how often am I too busy to follow the star???...

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name
because He will save His people from their sins.
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord
had said through the prophet: 
'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call Him
which means,
God will us.'" 

Matthew 1.21-23

This Christmas season, please follow the star, seek Him with your whole heart.  Don't let life 'get in the way'. 


A, P and D -- Muito Obrigada por um bom dia!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Vem para Jantar - Estilo Português!

Come to Dinner -- Portuguese Style! 

The Menu:  Aperitivos
                  Sopa Calde Verde
                  Bacalhau com Natas
                  Lombo de Porco
                  Pudim Flan
                  Arroz Doce
                  Salada da Fruta

Time:  7:30 p.m.

Place:  Portuguese Bible Institute

* * * * * * * * * *

Five days earlier -- Meeting with M and B to plan the menu at B's home.  Actually this served as my Portuguese lesson for the day as they spoke Portuguese and made the list in Portuguese.  Only fresh ingredients will do as the meal will be prepared! 

Three days earlier -- Next Portuguese lesson - shopping with M and B for all on items on the list.  The carts were full as we left the store and loaded the van. 

B picking out the Bacalhau (Codfish)

Cutting, well, sawing the Bacalhau into pieces

The day of the dinner -- M, B and I were joined by P to prepare an authentic Portuguese meal for the MBA group.  B, chefe de cozinha (chief cook) was in charge of assigning each of us specific jobs for preparing the food.   First things first, B brought me a bata (smock) to wear, Portuguese women wear them as they cook, clean, do laundry, etc around the house.  --- I am "official"!!!  ---  P put her bata on and proceeded with the first priority of the day -- coffee!!!  I like her style!  :)  The adventure in the kitchen began with a cup coffee.
Lots of details - lots of potatoes to peel, lots of fish to debone, lots of help, lots of fun!!!  B did an INCREDIBLE job!

P making coffee!

First things first -- coffee!

M pealing potatoes

Deboning the Bacalhau

Boiling potatoes
Bacalhau com Natas ready to bake

 Pureeing the sopa



Tossing the salada

Bacalhau com Natas (Codfish with potatoes)
Kitchen and serving crew!  

 A delicious jantar (dinner), a very fun day and all ate until full!   

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lunch by the Sea

Cold breeze, sunshine, Christmas time in the air, good friends, good food, the sea ... any better combination to make it a great day?

Destination -- Colares!  We set out to see somewhere new.  M and I had not been there before.  Are we there yet???  No, but we are in Penedo-Aldeira do Espirito Santo (=Penedo-Small town of the Holy Spirit) -- an adorable little town.  Up, up atop the hills, no, not Colares yet.  We will get there.  Beautiful pine trees and lots of green landscape!  Huge homes on hillsides overlooking green valleys and the castle of Sintra on a distant hill.  Down the windy road toward the sea.  Colares?  No, just drove through Almocageme. 

Entering Penedo

Looking to the Sea

Penedo Centro Historico (town center)
Here we are -- Colares?  No, not yet, but in Azehas do Mar (=Cliffs by the Sea).  What a place - perfect for vacationing by the sea!  The beaches and waves are inviting even on these quiet days of the winter.  Today was a Portuguese holiday (December 1 - the restoration of the monarchy of Portugal from the Spanish.), all is pretty quiet in these small towns.  In years past, this was a busy bustling place in the summer months, Portuguese families coming to soak up the sun and surf the waves.  Until now, "the summer place to vacation" is to head to the south, the Algarve region, for summer sun and fun.  To us, this looked ideal to spend some lazy relaxing summer days. 

Azehas do Mar

Lunch by the Sea

Lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the beach and sea was quiet, relaxed and encouraged conversation about family, church, friends and .... life's joys and disappointments.  A typical meal of beef or fish, french fries and salad.  The mushroom sauce covering my beef was delicious.  Very simple, yet tasty! 

After lunch we headed to Colares -- are we there?  Finally!  So small, so quaint.  Colares has sandy soil and therefore produces its own special wine.  We stopped at a farmers fruit and vegetable market on the side of the road - incredible winter vegetables!!!  Next stop -- a cafe and pastry for dessert in a small local pastelaria.  And what good fortune -- a little shop next door for some Christmas browsing and shopping.  The men solved the world's problems over another galao (coffee) while we girls went next door. 
Colares Farmers Market

Colares vineyards

Colares Winery


I don't think we really ever knew exactly what town we were in as they all run together.  They all contained roads that were barely wide enough for two cars to pass each other, older men that sit and pass away the afternoons visiting with each other on benches in the "town centers", cafes that serve pastries and coffees to people as they come about 4:00 p.m. each day, and old OLD stone houses that stand right next to the very new ones.  Today we enjoyed seeing what I often imagined Portugal "to look like."

This day was spent with good friends.  This day was a good gift from the Lord!